LGBTQ+ Football

Sutton United Football Club is committed to widening lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBTQ+) representation in football and complies with the FA’s LGBTQ+ policy which can be found here: FA LGBT Football Policy

The FA has set out that an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity should never be a barrier to participating in, and enjoying, our national sport and Sutton United FC joins them in a commitment to combat all forms of homophobic, bi-phobic and transphobic language and behaviour – whether by spectators, players, coaches or other participants.

Alongside the FA, Sutton United FC will promote a positive, inclusive image and reputation for the game, its participants and supporters and will work with LGBTQ+ community and football stakeholders to support LGBTQ+ participation.

In February 2012 The FA launched Opening Doors & Joining In, a whole-game LGBT action plan to make football a safe environment where homophobia is unacceptable. You can download a summary of the action plan here

Trans Policy

Sutton United FC complies with the FA’s Trans Policy which can be found here: The FA Policy on Trans People in Football

Sutton United FC supports the FA’s firm view that gender identity should not be a barrier to participation in football and remains committed to the FA’s intent on making football a lifelong experience, and ensuring the inclusion and safety of participants.

The FA has set out that it will assess a players’ application to play in their affirmed gender on a case by case basis in line with its commitment to promoting Football for Everyone and Sutton United FC will comply with the requirements of this process.

To view The FA’s updated Trans Policy, please click on the following links:

The FA Policy on Trans People in Football

Other contacts include:

Kick It Out

The Justin Campaign

Pride Sports!Home/mainPage



Stonewall FC

Homophobia: Let’s tackle it – preview pages of education pack

A Homophobia education pack produced by Show Racism the Red Card which aims to educate learners about the causes and consequences of Homophobia and encourage respect for the differences between people regardless of sexual orientation.,%20Let’s%20Tackle%20It%20PREVIEW%20PAGES.pdf

Homophobia: Let’s tackle it – film interviews and trailers

A short educational film produced by Show Racism the Red Card, featuring celebrities and professional footballers discussing the issue of Homophobia in football.

Homophobia in football film

A short awareness film produced by Kick it Out educating on homophobic abuse at football.