Amber:- So, Christian, I believe you are the newest director. When did you join the board?

Reply:- Officially, I joined the board at the beginning of this season.

Amber:- How long have you been following the U’s

Reply:- This is my third season in which I actively follow the U’s. This coincided with my move to London. 

Amber:- And what attracted you to Sutton ?

Reply:- There are several reasons why I am so deeply connected with the U’s. First of all, the club has a great history. I am originally from Italy, so the club’s exploits in the Anglo-Italian Cup were quite appealing to me. The second reason is the amazing support that the team receives from volunteers. Most of the work at the club is done by individuals that are passionate about the team and that are proud of being a part of it. Although it is difficult to compete at such a high level as a community club, the efforts put by these volunteers has made it possible so far. Another source of appeal for me was the fact that the entire management team was so approachable and welcoming. Since my very first visit, I found it very easy to connect with Bruce, Dave and Adrian, the three senior executives in the club. Other reasons why I was attracted to the U’s was that they were playing in the National League and the close proximity to where I live (less than four miles away).

Amber:- How are you finding it being on the inside of the club ?

Reply:- I truly enjoy being an “insider” although the difference with being an “outsider” was not so dramatic. Since my initial involvement, I was able to come to the games and talk to the directors frequently, so I felt that I was pretty well informed. Clearly, being an insider, I am now allowed to understand more about the dynamics of the club and the financial information.

Amber:-  Any secrets you can tell me ?  I won’t tell anyone…..

Reply: Sorry Amber, but my lips are sealed. I feel that the club is pretty open about most issues, so the fans can find what they need by navigating our website. 

Amber:-  I believe you have also lived in Italy and the USA, is that right ?

Reply:- Yes, it is true. I have split my life equally between the two countries and I lived in four different cities before settling in London. I was actually here in 2001-2002 for business and I really liked it. So, when it was time to come back to Europe, London was one of the top choices.

Amber:- So, do you follow any other teams ?

Reply:- Honestly, I do not follow any other team as much as I follow the U’s. I grew up being an A.C. Milan fan. I still follow them, but I barely know the players. On the other hand, I can recognize the U’s by the way they run on the court. That is how much I know them.

Amber:- You recently became a dad I believe. Is it right that your daughter was only a few weeks old when she came to her first match ?

Reply:- Oh, yes, I have a charming and curious little daughter. She was actually three months old or so when she came to her first game. When we scored, and we all jumped up screaming, she started crying for the stupor. I felt so bad…

Amber:- Do you go to all the games ?

Reply:- I attempt to come to all the home games and a few of the away games. That is not always possible because I am also a volleyball referee. Several times I receive assignments that conflict with the home matches. This will continue for the next three years or so, until I will finally retire from refereeing.

Amber:- Finally, what ambitions do you have for the club ?

Reply:-I would love to see the club entering the EFL and enjoy another cup run. It would also be great to win an FA Trophy. I think that all these goals are feasible in the upcoming years. As always, a little luck would help, but I think that we have the structure and the team to continue our successful club history.

Amber:- Thank you Christian, it has been a pleasure talking with you.

Reply:- Thank you, Amber. It is my pleasure to be part of such a great club!