The strong connection between our terrific squad of players and our terrific fans is amply demonstrated by the number of Boost the Budget Share applications which continue to come in to the club. We are delighted to report that the total sum contributed now stands at £37,450 which is 94% of the way to the £40,000 amount the manager targeted at the start of the campaign. Brilliant news! Paul is understandably delighted, saying: “There is a real buzz about the place at the moment which is just wonderful to see. We’ve made such great strides as a club over the last twelve months and must continue to do so. Thank you to EVERYONE who has contributed to this scheme so far which will go a long way to ensuring our playing squad remains as strong as it needs to for us to compete at this level. I was also delighted to see such a good crowd in the ground on Monday, the fourth highest of the day in the division; hopefully crowds will continue to grow as the summer holiday season comes to a close – the games certainly come thick and fast and the team greatly appreciates the wonderful support we are receiving right now, home and away. It would be marvellous if we could even exceed the Boost the Budget target we originally set as our fan base continues to increase and more supporters engage with the club”