I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff and players for their support during this week, we have taken additional measures to keep hygiene levels at their most diligent. As we have seen in the media, the Coronavirus outbreak is rapidly evolving and has shaken the world of sport to its core. As a club we are constantly monitoring the guidance from the Government and Public Health England. We have implemented new and more in depth cleaning regimes at the ground and increased signage and guidance for supporters and staff around washing hands more regularly.  

We have not had any cases of COVID-19 at the club and have been helping our staff and playing squad to become more aware of the symptoms of the virus so that we can put isolation measures in place if they are required.

I appreciate that some of our supporters will choose to stay away this weekend, or may already be in self-isolation. We will continue to post updates of the game on our Twitter account so that you can follow the game and on behalf of everyone at Sutton United would like to wish you a speedy recovery.

At this time we have taken the appropriate measures and followed the guidance of Public Health England for hosting a sporting event and I would encourage supporters coming to the game this weekend to also follow the Government guidance of washing your hands more regularly than normal. If you sneeze or cough please make sure that this is captured in a tissue and binned. We have increased the availability of hand wash and bins on Saturday. If you start to feel unwell please visit ‘NHS Coronavirus’ for more information, or one of our stewards will be available to assist you. 

I look forward to welcoming you to Gander Green Lane today for the match.

Bruce Elliott, Chairman