Phil Tattersall (below) is to join our commercial team as part of a small reorganisation of that department. Phil organised the recent auction of the 3G pitch, and was heavily involved in the United We Stand initiative last season. Graham Baker (above right) will be standing down as the club’s Commercial Manager, but will be retaining the role of Matchday Sponsorship manager, while Jason Reynolds (above middle) and Roy Williams (above left) will continue in their positions of Commercial Operations Manager and SUFC Business Club Manager respectively.

Club chairman Bruce Elliott said: ”We’re very grateful for all that Graham has done in the Commercial Manager’s job and are delighted that he is remaining involved with the matchday sponsorship. It’s good news that Phil has agreed to join the commercial team. He has been very successful with both the pitch auction and the United We Stand venture, and his addition will strengthen the team as we embark on life as a Football League club.