The Community Day held in conjunction with the Metropolitan Police on Saturday despite cold conditions led to 195 Community Day tickets being used by local schools,both children and parents.

Local cadets attended the game and helped supervise the Community Day gate and also assisted with the ever popular penalty shoot-out managed by PC Donna Newell. She was ably supported by two of the Sutton United players – Callum Hart and Shaun Cooper – Callum stepped in as goalie for the final and 5 young people collected prizes – trophies and medals as the winners.

The Community Team will be holding another community day at the start of next season and will be exploring scope to expand the event.

The next event is the launch of Sutton’s own Disability Team – with very nice kit at the game on April 11 – they will play their first game versus our  friends from Woking FC and will also play a demo at half-time.