Fulham went ahead in the 13th minute, and struck twice more in the next 25 minutes, dominating the game and consolidating third place in the league table. U’s pulled one back just before half time when Caitlin Savage’s excellent corenr forced an own goal from the goalkeeper, but two more in the first fifteen minutes of the second half, the second completing a hat trick for Fulham’s Charmaine True, snuffed out any hope of a second half comeback and although Lindsay Virgilio reduced the arrears Fulham had the last word with a sixth goal ten minutes from time. Next week we are away to title chasing Worthing, kick off 3pm.

The reserves had a good 4-0 win over AFC Acorns Reserves this afternoon, and play Croydon, one place above our reserves in second place, at the Croydon Arena next week, kick off 2pm.

Just to complete the weekend’s action so far, the academy side’s season ended with a 2-1 defeat at Swindon on Saturday.