Sutton United FC is delighted to announce its season ticket pricing structure for the 2020/21 season.

Once again, we are offering terrific-value “early bird” prices which will ONLY be valid until the end of April, after which the prices will increase as stated below. Following feedback we are also, for the first time, introducing some new categories, thereby establishing a much more contemporary season ticket structure designed to be of appeal right across our fanbase, including a new “student” category as well as a “young person’s” season ticket (19-23 years) to encourage more and more younger fans come to support the team.

In addition to the regular adult, concession, junior and child categories, we have also introduced a sensational-value  “Five Year” season ticket category, as well as a limited availability “Executive Membership” category for the 2020/21 season which includes pre-match lunch, centre-section grandstand seating and Board Room access on a first-come, first served basis for a maximum of ten applicants.

Here’s your new-look 2020/21 season ticket price structure:

  • Adult £169 early bird; £199 from May 1st
  • Concession £139 early bird; £169 from May 1st
  • Young person 19-23 years – £99 early bird; £119 from May 1st
  • Student £69 early bird; £89 from May 1st
  • Junior 11-18 years – £35
  • Child – 10 years and under – FREE
  • Amber500 ticket shareholders – honoured at 2019/20 prices – £149 adults/£129 concessions
  • Five years 2020/21 to 2024/25 – £799
  • Executive Member 2020/21 – including pre match lunch, centre section seating and Board Room access – £799 – limited to ten places

Matchday admission prices for the 2020/21 campaign have been kept at the same level as this season, as follows:- Adults £17; Concessions £10; 11-18 year olds £5; 10yrs and under FREE. 

Chairman Bruce Elliott enthused: "Our season ticket pricing policy over the last four years, alongside the performance of our team on the pitch, has substantially grown our fan-base, with over 1,250 season ticket sales made for the current campaign.  It is crucial that we retain, and indeed grow, that number, if we are to continue to compete with all the clubs we are now playing against on an equal footing week in week out. I really hope everyone has enjoyed watching our fabulous team again this season and very much feels part of what this club is all about; at just over £7 per match (plus nominated Friendly matches) for adults, £6 for concessions  and £1.50 for juniors, I hope everyone will agree that next season’s season ticket prices represent really superb value for money. Affordable, great-quality football on your doorstep.”

Bruce went on to say: “We also need to ensure we attract as many of “tomorrow’s” fans as we can; hence the introduction of two new categories for next season.  Even though we offer amazing-value season ticket prices for our junior fans, we recognise that there is a price gap to be bridged for our younger supporters, students and 19-23 year olds in general, so that they are encouraged to continue to come and support their local team and we hope to retain their support longer term. Our offer to invite all 10-year olds and under to matches completely free of charge will  remain in place as we continue to promote Sutton United as a really strong community and family club. Furthermore, for those who want to take advantage of a great price for committing to support over a longer time period, we have introduced a new “Five Year” season ticket at just £799. Finally, we are introducing an “Executive Membership” category, limited to just ten people, which, also for £799, enables supporters to enjoy pre-match lunches, centre section seating and Board Room access for the 2020/21 season. Whichever category you decide to buy, I would urge everyone to renew or buy their season ticket before the end of April when prices will go up as advertised – and persuade their friends to come along and give us their support too. Our superb young manager and his team want to make 2020/21 an even more exciting season for Sutton United FC….but will only be able to do it with all our fans’ full support. Please pledge your support for what we are trying to do by buying your 2020/21 season ticket today”

Season Tickets are available to buy on line, from the club  office on matchdays and on  Mon-Thurs mornings 10 am -12.30pm in person or by phone (020 8644 4440); or via the Season Ticket table by the GGL entrance on home matchdays.

In light of the current situation, application forms can also be downloaded here and sent to Jenny Graham at the address shown on the form, or emailed to