A popular and experienced stand up comedian, actor, writer and cultural commentator, . As a stand up comedian Jeff has reached near legendary status among his peers and audience alike by staying at the top of his game for over 20 years. His unique appeal lies in the contrast between his East End ‘Geezer’ appearance and demeanour, and his educated, philosophical delivery and subject matter. Inspiring the guardian to describe him as a comedian with, ‘The body of a nightclub bouncer and the brains of a university boffin’.

Supporting Jeff will be highly regarded comedians Jason Patterson, Mad Ron and Jack Skipper, while the MC for the night will be David Ward, who has supported a number of major TV stand up comedians on tour, including Lee Hurst and Tom Stade. He is also in demand for his TV warm up work and has performed for the troops in Kuwait and the UAE. His spontaneity made him the choice host for the heats of the BBC’s New Comedy Awards and Channel 5’s So You Think You’re Funny?

Doors open at 7.00pm with the comedy starting at 8.00pm. Tickets cost £15, but there are group savings for parties of four or six who book in advance. Click here for more information and to buy tickets.