Our season ticket campaign and other promotions have proved so successful that we have caused ourselves a problem, a nice problem to have; our mailing list has outgrown the simple Outlook-based approach we have been using. After exploring our options, we have decided to switch to Mailchimp, which is one of the most widely used mailing services. Many of our supporters and followers will have already received an email from the club in the last week or two inviting them to sign up for the new service. If you have received the invitation but have not yet signed up, please do so as this will enable us to keep you better informed about all of the exciting things that happen at the club. If you have not received an invitation to join our Mailchimp family, please follow this link http://eepurl.com/by6mFf to sign-up. We will principally be using Mailchimp to send out weekly newsletters but it will also enable us to send out notices of meetings and other pieces of information. Don’t forget that you will always have the option to unsubscribe from the service.