Ball 35 made its eagerly-awaited debut appearance out of the purple velvet bag in yesterday’s Strikers are Key draw made after the goalless draw with Ebbsfleet.

The owners of the syndicate " The Mark Watson Fan Club", Nick Williams, Fred Knopp and Brian "Wellie" Waite have been waiting patiently for their turn at trying to open the safe, which, following Tommy Wright’s fulminating strike at Hartlepool and Craig Dundas’ fine header at Aldershot, contained £550 yesterday.

Sadly Nick couldn’t turn the good fortune of ball 35 finally appearing into a windfall for the syndicate; the three amigos winning the £50 consolation prize instead.

It all means that a minimum of £750 will be carried forward to the tenth draw of the season to be made after the match v Halifax on 18th Nov.

Here’s a stat for you – the next draw will be the 100th Strikers are Key draw since the scheme was introduced in 2013.

Another brief stat for you -.nine balls have still not made an appearance in the 99 draws made to date – numbers 1, 8, 23, 25, 27, 30, 34, 38 and 46. Surely their luck must change soon?

The most prolific appearances? Balls 9, 11, 16, 21, 22, 26, 31, 37, 39 have all been out four times.

What’s that they say about the luck of the draw?!

Thank you for your continued support for and interest in the initiative and for your patience listening to me disturbing the peace in the Players’ Bar each home League game!

On to draw 100 we march.