It was an emotional Players’ Bar which greeted the final Strikers are Key act of the 2018/19 season after the last home match of the season v Maidstone United.

With goals from Dylan Kearney (above) and Brett Williams boosting the fund to a total of £1,550 – which had to be won- anticipation in the room was high as ball 19, owned by the syndicate “The Yatzee Gods” comprising Dave “ Smiffydownunder” Smith, Gareth Lambe and Kevin Sutton, emerged first from the purple velvet bag.

In their absence, Micky Stephens stepped on to the SAK stage but was unable to choose the right key on their behalf and the syndicate had to make do with the £50 consolation prize.

With that key discarded and £1,500 left in the safe it was the turn of ball 50 to make an appearance, owned by club officials Mark Kidd and Graham Starns. This time Kiddo picked out the right key from the three remaining thereby winning the pair the full £1,500. Congratulations to them!!

Thanks to EVERYONE who took part in this important fund-raising initiative for the club. Your support is greatly appreciated.

I hope as many people as possible will want to continue playing in 2019/20 – please do let me know your plans when you can ( so that I can set up the new season’s cast list during the summer.

In the meantime thank you all again and enjoy the next couple of hopefully sunny months before we go again

Onwards we go.
