Strikers Vinnie Tume and Joden Trickett shared the goals and assists, with Tume going close to giving Sutton an early lead when his header hit the post, although it was Cambridge who went ahead when, moments after blazing over an open goal from a tight angle, a striker scored with a low left foot shot in to the corner of the net, demolishing the corner flag in his celebrations and picking up a yellow card as well as being asked to put it back by the referee. Sutton replied within five minutes as Tume was scythed down just inside the penalty area and Trickett sent the goalkeeper the wrong way from the spot (above).

Tume went close again early in the second half when his close range volley from a right wing cross was saved, but he wasn’t to be denied and when Trickett flicked on a long clearance Tume lifted the ball over the advancing keeper to put Sutton in front. The lead didn’t last long as a Cambridge substitute went through and sent a shot past Lenny Jones, who got a hand to the effort but couldn’t keep it out, but almost immediately Trickett was sent clear down the left and delivered a perfect cross that Tume guided in to the net from close range.

Khyan Edwards sent a 20-yard shot just too high as Sutton saw the game out to complete a double over Cambridge and move six points clear of their opponents in fourth place.

Team: L Jones, J Marquis, K Sarevicius(sub A Reeves), B Lambourne, D Urpens, O Williams, K Edwards, L Moore(sub C Lee), J Trickett, V Tume, C Sullivan.

Next Saturday we make a second attempt to play the EFL Youth Alliance League Cup southern semi final at Plymouth, with the winners set to play Portsmouth in the southern area final.