Green Mark provides an internationally recognised environmental certification for companies that want to assure their clients and employees that they are conducting business to recognised environmental standards.

Through the online portal, we submitted information about the business, answered questions and provided supporting evidence, the answers were then reviewed by an auditor and we were awarded a Green Mark Level 2. Through the process Green Mark helped us create a framework to make sure we have the correct tools to monitor and reduce our emissions going forward, as well as communicating internally and externally how we are doing this.

You can see our Environment Policy here and read more about our aims and intentions, as well as download issues 1 and 2 of our sustainability newsletters here .

Dave Farebrother, our Head of Sustainability, said: ”We are pleased and proud to have been assessed so highly in the Green Mark survey. I’d like to thank Liam McSherry for his enthusiastic help in implementing some new ideas and also the board for their support in adopting some policy aspirations and objectives to drive continual improvement. We clearly are not perfect but I’m a firm believer that adopting a sustainable approach from the start gives better value for money in the long term. In carbon terms our Scope 3 emissions, particularly travel and procurement, are the largest element and we look forward to working with our suppliers to explore lower impact solutions.”

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