With the game against Tranmere on Saturday 17th September kicking off at 12.15 for live BT coverage, the usual catering arrangements for first team games have had to be changed for that day. Arrangements are as follows: FOOD There will not be the usual pre-match meal that can be booked in advance, but our caterers will provide a buffet breakfast in the Times Square Lounge, available between 10.30 and 11.30. Cost will be £8 per head. After 11.30 the usual fare of burgers etc. will be available. There will be two catering trailers in the ground that day. BARS The Members’ Bar and Vice Presidents’ Lounge will both open at 11am and remain open until 11pm. Adrian Barry’s Strikers Are Key draw will be at 2.50. The bar in the Times Square Lounge will open at 11am and close at 2.30pm.