Sutton supporters can buy tickets for the Colchester game here, while Colchester supporters can click here to buy tickets for their area of the ground. Please note if you have a ticket for the original date in December this is valid for the rearrangement and, if you are coming next Tuesday, you do not need to buy a new ticket

Supporters who bought a ticket for the original game but are unable to use it for the rearrangement can either exchange it for a ticket for a future Sutton home league game, or request a refund. Anyone wishing to pursue either of those options should send their original email receipt to, stating their preference.

Tickets for the top of the table clash against Northampton are also now on sale, and Sutton supporters can buy tickets here. With Northampton already having sold out their allocation we are expecting a large crowd for this game and we would strongly recommend buying your ticket in advance.

We will be having the usual pre-match lunch before the Northampton game, priced £15 for a two course meal plus coffee (£7.50 for children aged 14 and under). The MBA bar opens at noon and lunch is served at 12.30. Click here to book.

We are very sorry that we have still not received our allocation of tickets for the game at Stevenage this Saturday. As soon as we receive them we will announce purchase details.