A year on from the first national lockdown in the UK, currently ready to come out of our third national UK lockdown, a plan has been devised for what can only be described as another complicated and unexpected season.

Whilst the plans are still being finalised, it is no surprise that the continuation of a normal season is not plausible with the current global situation. Our Women’s 1st team, sitting 3rd in the league, maybe disheartened by the league coming to an end – however, there is still a glimmer of hope for the Under 21’s team in gaining the promotion they have been eyeing up.

I caught up with the Chairman of Women and Girl’s Football, Duncan Muller to discuss the next few steps to the end of the season.

“Unfortunately, all Women’s football at steps 3 – 6 have been cancelled, so it means we lose another season for the 1st team. The league had a meeting this week and we are going to be having some pre-arranged matches to get us back playing until the end of May. I am awaiting the final confirmation of this. We will then let supporters know how they can get access to live stream the matches as supporters won’t be allowed in the ground just yet. On a brighter note, it looks like the U21’s league season will continue with the division being split into 2 sections. This would then see the U21’s plays the other 5 teams in their section and the winners being promoted. This is really good news as the team are in great form and were 2nd with a game in hand.

I would like to thank all the staff, players and supporters for all their hard work again this season. It’s a shame the 1st teams climb up the leagues has been halted for the past 2 seasons, but this has been a very difficult time in our lives, and I wish everyone good health and hope you stay safe. We will apply for promotion based on our performances and fingers crossed we are accepted.”

Whilst it is sad to be losing yet another season, it is great to know that there are still promotion possibilities for our teams, and opportunities to get back on the pitch after so long.

By Georgia De Souza – Head of Women and Girl’s Media