Sutton struck first nine minutes before half time when Lily Dent met a Jas Backhurst free kick with an overhead kick that struck a Dulwich player on the hand, the referee awarding a penalty despite few appeals, and Dent confidently converted the spot kick. Dulwich were level four minutes later when a free kick was headed in at the far post by Chana Hinds, and two minutes after half time had turned the game round as a cross from the right was scrambled just beyond Zoe McNulty by Brit Saylor.

When Madi Parsonson’s long range shot skidded under McNulty to make it 3-1 just after the hour mark U’s had it all to do, but with just under twenty minutes to go Backhurst was played in on the right and cut in before hammering a low shot in to the net, and four minutes later centre back Ella Meehan came forward to strike a dipping shot from all of 25 yards that flew in to the net for the equaliser.

Both sides came close to regaining the lead, a Dulwich free kick from the right coming back off the post and Gabby Howell’s challenge preventing the rebound being forced in, while Backhurst’s dipping volley was tipped over by the Dulwich goalkeeper. Victory seemed to be Sutton’s in superb style in the 89th minute as Dent cut in from the left and arrowed a shot from outside the penalty area in to the top far corner of the net. However Dulwich were awarded one last free kick in stoppage time, and when it was headed back from beyond the far post the ball was scrambled in by Bethany Hartigan, the referee blowing the final whistle as soon as the ball hit the net.

The reserves drew 1-1 at Croydon, while the development team’s game away to Richmond Park was postponed.